Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Courageous Catholic: Week 3.

You may not know....but every Tuesday IMPACT is running a "Courageous Catholic" course. This course gathers over 60 parish leaders/heads of ministries, from many parishes in our Diocese.
Last night we finished our 3rd week of this 10 week course. The goal of the "Courageous Catholic" course is to stir up our missionary hearts as baptized Catholics.
In doing so, our ministries, & therefore parishes, will become more mission oriented. We can successfully reachout to those Catholics in our midst who are on the fence, or wandering from the Church.

The session last night was "The Message", meaning the basic Gospel message that we are called to proclaim as the Church.
Co-founder of CCO, Andre Regnier shared with us that Jesus' main purpose is to reconcile us to the Father, through His death on the Cross.
Also, it is ultimately up to us, to accept this free gift of salvation and open our hearts to a realtionship with Jesus.
Explained this clearly and simply, it was exciting to see the responses of some of our friends present.
"I have been Catholic all my life, and I have never heard the truth about Jesus explained so clearly. I feel I can finally share with others who Jesus is and what He's done".
After this Lee Leonard shared with us his testimony, how the Lord reached out to him (off a skateboard!) and into a personal relationship with Himself, who had been far off. Email him for more info

In the mingling time as we were all leaving, it was clear to me that people wanted to stay and talk...something had been deeply stirred in them!

A missionary spirit was awakened from the clear and simple message of who Jesus is and what He's done for us.....He's inviting us to respond to this relationship, and bring this message to the world!

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